In most cases, our assignments are co-financed by European funds or by other international donors:
- Couterfactual evaluation of REACT – Vocational Education projects with emphasis on integration
- Evaluation of the Catching-up Regions Initiative in Slovakia
- Evaluation of the cross-border cooperation Interreg Poland – Slovakia
- Evaluation – Caritas Slovakia Emergency Response for Conflict-Affected Ukrainians
- Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2014-2020 financed by the ERDF
- Technical Assistance for the Evaluation of 2014, 2015 and 2016 Turkey Annual Programmes
- Mid-term evaluation of the INTERREG V-A Slovakia – Austria Programme
- External Monitoring and Evaluation for the EUTF in Response to the Syrian Crisis
- Summary of the results of Cohesion Policy in the 2014-2020 period and supporting the negotiations on the future of Cohesion Policy
- Study supporting the evaluation of the Council Recommendation on the integration of the long-term unemployed into the labour market
- Ex post evaluation of the impacts of the National Strategic Reference Framework to achieve NSRF strategic objective
- Evaluation of the partnership for the implementation of the Partnership Agreement
- Mid-term Review of the “Skills Development for Employment Programme
- Final Evaluation of Sivil Dusun Programme (Civil Society Facility – Turkish Window).
- Evaluation of IPA II
- Assessment of the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI)
- ROM – monitoring of several projects in various sectors incl. mainly regional / socio-econ. development, including regional/multicounty programmes
- Evaluation of the Know-how Exchange Programme (KEP) Austria
- Evaluation of IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes 2007-2013
- Assessment of the progress in the course of the implementation of the Partnership Agreement
- Interim evaluation of the implementation of the horizontal principles Sustainable development and Gender equality and non-discrimination at the level of Programmes
- Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) – monitoring of the ENI projects, Support to regional and local development in Belarus,
- ROM – Regional Planning and Project Pipelines for Development Regions North, South, Central in the Republic of Moldova” Introduction of e-Governance in local Governments
- ROM – Improved Regional Statistics in the Republic of Moldova
- ROM – Support to the Central Elections Commission Palestine
- Self-evaluation of the project “Support to Mine Action and Ammunition Destruction”.
- Evaluation of the Western Balkans Investment Facility (WBIF).
- Evaluation of rabies eradication programme in Serbia
- Meta-evaluation of co-operation instruments
- Extended Results-Oriented Monitoring of SAFE – Strengthening Accountability and the Fiduciary Environment. Monitoring of the project “Belarus: Strengthening Medium Term Fiscal Planning
- Results-Oriented Monitoring of selected IPA projects in the Western Balkans. Monitoring of IPA projects in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and FYR Macedonia
- Eff ex-post evaluation of the Slovak OP Fisheries
- Thematic evaluation of the OP E from the point of view of its compliance with the requirements of the environmental acquis and impact on environment and public health
- Thematic evaluation of economic and social impacts of OP E on supported area of the Convergence objective
- Thematic evaluation at the level of individual priority axes of OP E and their contribution to regional development in the area of Convergence objective
- Support for targeted communication activities to fight discrimination and stereotypes against the Roma population
- Proposal of the draft Evaluation plan for the OP Quality of Environment 2014-2020
- Thematic evaluation focused on the impact indicators for the OP Environment
- Study on Roma inclusion with particular focus on 5 assisted countries (SK, CZ. BG, RO, HU)
- Ex ante evaluation of the OP Quality of Environment
- Evaluation of 4 development projects of the Slovak Republic in Moldova
- Mapping and Analysing Bottleneck Vacancies in the EU Labour Markets Ex-ante evaluation for the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Hungary – Slovakia 2014-2020
- Expert study regarding to the strategy for the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Poland – Slovakia 2014-2020
- Evaluation of the Know-how Exchange Programme (KEP) Austria
- Interim/ Final evaluation of individual projects funded from OP Research and Development for Innovation
- Final evaluation of the Millennium Development Goal Achievement Fund (MDG-F). Evaluation of selected MDG-F programmes in Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Evaluation of four Slovak Development projects in Serbia
- Result-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) of selected IPA projects in FYR Macedonia, Albania
- Ex-post evaluation of CARDS programmes in the Western Balkans
- Final Evaluation of UNDP/GEF project “Integration of Ecosystem Management Principles and Practices into Land and Water Management of Laborec-Uh Region (Eastern Slovakian Lowlands)”
- Ex-post monitoring of the EEA/NF projects: Community Bridge building in Central and Eastern Slovakia, Introduction of new research and diagnostic methods for detection of evolutionary changes in enter viruses and their effect on the pathogenesis
- Interim/Final evaluation of the selected IPA projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Evaluation of selected projects deployed under 2007/2008/ 2009 National IPA programmes
- Assessment of the project proposal for the cross-border cooperation Slovakia-Ukraine financed from Norwegian and EEA Funds
- Evaluation of the cross-border partnership EURES-T Beskydy and its activities
- Study on the requirements specific to minors travelling alone or accompanied, legally entering or leaving the Member States/ Associated Countries
- Evaluation training of the company staff
- Ex-post evaluation of the Regional Aid Guidelines 2007-2013 Evaluation training of the Supreme Audit Office staff in Slovakia
- Evaluation of the Czech and Slovak Development Aid projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Country programme interim evaluation of EU pre-accession assistance deployed under 2007/2008/ 2009 National IPA programmes in Turkey
- Result-Oriented Monitoring (ROM), implemented within IPA 2008 (Western Balkans and Turkey)
- Study on mobility developments in School education, vocational education, adult education and youth exchanges
- Comparative study of the project selection process applied in Cohesion policy programmes 2007- 2013 in a number of member states Evaluation of EU pre-accession assistance deployed under 2007/2008/ 2009 National IPA programmes in Croatia
- Institutional support to the Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration/ Policy Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
- Mid-term evaluation of the Millennium Development Goal Achievement Fund
- Impact assessment of the Republic of Moldova’s participation in the regional cooperation processes
- External independent evaluation of EURES network in Slovakia 2007 – 10
- Evaluation of NGO Support Block Grants in Slovakia
- Evaluation of ESF implementation in the period 2007-2013
- Evaluation of the capacity of the ESF delivery systems to attract and support OP target groups – SK, CZ
- Study on ‘Tourism exchanges in Europe’: Enhancing employment, extending the seasonality spread, strengthening European citizenship and improving regional/local economies through the development of social tourism
- Evaluation of the contribution of the ESF to the EES; evaluation applying contribution analysis method
- Review of biodiversity support; collection and analysis of data in the Slovak Republic and Czech Republic supporting biodiversity from EEA Grants and Norway Grants
- Evaluation of the ‘Plan D / Debate Europe’ Activities
- Evaluation training for the capacity building for MA of ROP – North-West CZ, member of the team of lecturers delivering two semesters training on evaluation
- Guest lecturer – delivering the Evaluation module for students of the masters study at the Faculty of Social and Economic Science
- Ex-post evaluation of INTERREG III Austria-Slovakia
- Ex-post evaluation of projects financed by the European Investment Bank outside of the EU
- Interim evaluation of EU pre-accession programmes in Turkey and Croatia
- Monitoring of ESF projects – SDP Bratislava Objective 3 and EQUAL
- Study for the ex-post evaluation of the European Social Fund, covering Slovakia and partly UK and managing CZ, HU, SI, PL, EE
- Simplification of Transition Facility Programme Monitoring System – Reporting Requirements, and Review and Improvements of Indicators
- Managing the administrative part of D&D Consulting consortium responsibilities for Interim evaluation of EU pre-accession programmes in Croatia and Turkey
- Project Coordinator on the project Preparation of the Nitra as a candidate for European Capital of Culture
- Conducting interviews in the Czech Republic and Slovakia within the project Evaluation of the Integrated Guideline Package for Growth and Jobs /overall in 18 EU member states
- External independent evaluation of EURES network in the Czech Republic 2004 – 07
- External independent evaluation of EURES network in Slovakia 2004 – 07
- Organisation and management of privatisation projects – capacity building for the Azerbaijan State Committee for Privatisation
- Interim evaluation of EU pre-accession programmes – Romania
- Interim evaluation of EU transition facility – Slovenia
- On the spot monitoring of Phare projects in Hungary and Slovenia
- On the spot monitoring of Phare projects in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
- Monitoring projects of the Financial Mechanism Office for projects under European Economic Area Grants and Norwegian Financial Mechanism
- Interim evaluation of Phare projects 2002, 2003
- Ex-post evaluation of Phare projects 1999 – 2001
- Ex-post Evaluation of Phare national, Cross-Border-Cooperation (CBC) and multi-beneficiary programmes
- Interim Evaluation of the EU Phare Programme, Bulgaria and Romania
- Monitoring Agent of the Financial Mechanism Office for projects under European Economic Area (EEA) Grants and Norwegian Financial Mechanism (NFM)