Co-operating Partners
A network of strategic co-operation and close partnership guarantees targeted implementation, short inception and in-depth country specific sector expertise.
- CSIL Centre for Industrial Studies, Italy
- Bergs u. Issa Partnerschaftsgesellschaft, Germany
- Eureval-C3E, France
- Equinox Consulting, Hungary
- Rambol Management, Denmark
- NEA/Panteia, Netherland
- CyclePlanDrive, Estonia
- Particip, Germany
- MWH, Belgium
- AKSES, Czech Republic
- Pitija, Slovenia
- ECOTEC Research and Consulting, UK
- ECORYS, Poland
- KPMG, Slovakia
- SGI, Slovakia
- DICON, Bulgaria
- ICON, Germany
- Central European Initiative
- EuroTrends, France
- EPRD, Poland
- EGO, Poland
- Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management, UK